T or F: The art of counterpoint is most closely associate with monophonic texture. B) Monophony that divides up into different . 14 terms. The polyphony that occurs in "Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient" features long melismas on many syllables, a feature that looks back to: . Just like poets will use beats, or rhythmic patterns of speech, to write poetry, musicians use musical beats, rests, meter and tempo to infuse their works with life. Key terms and concepts. octatonic. T or F: Traditional music of the Middle and Far East is typically polyphonic. In . In music, monophony is the simplest of musical textures, consisting of a melody (or "tune"), typically sung by a single singer or played by a single instrument player (e.g., a flute player) without accompanying harmony or chords. View Answer. Explanations. T or F: The art of counterpoint is most closely associate with monophonic texture. In the receiving stage, we select and attend to various stimuli based on salience. Start studying the Music Chapter 5 flashcards containing study terms like Texture, monophony, polyphony and more. It is possible to speak of musical regions because, although each Native American group has distinctive musical styles and genres, certain musical similarities exist between those who are roughly neighbours. Monopoly Example #2 - Luxottica. occurs when one melodic voice is prominent over the accompanying lines or voices - normally accompanying lines become blocks of harmony (based on . Consensus among music historians-with notable dissent-has been to start the era around 1400, with the end of the medieval era, and to close it around 1600, with the beginning of the baroque period, therefore commencing the musical Renaissance about a hundred years after . B) 1750-1820. 15. b. is chanted in small groups. Define 'counterpoint' the art of combining two or more simultaneous melodic lines. Couperin remained somewhat controversial for much of his career. Rhythm only. 6.In music, the term texture refers to the: a.blend of rhythm, meter, and pulse in music. Global Music, p. 407 One instrument plays one note, and a second instrument plays a note in . MUSI- 122 Mid-term Exam Study Guide From Quizlet.com Chapters 1 - 5 Beat - A regular recurrence of short pulses, you can tap your stress--a sense of expectation, new beginning of beats or grouping and subdivisions. Renaissance music is music written in Europe during the Renaissance. test_prep. Music 1单词卡 | Quizlet. This is an example of a polyphonic texture. Term. I NEED A GOOD GRADE ON THIS TO PASS Which term best describes the style of Gregorian Which phrase best defines the style of Gregorian chant? labour). 4. c. the silence omitted by an elided cadence. 79 terms. All are necessary to create a recognizable pattern known as a "song.". The piece begins with a homophonic texture. octatonic. using a melisma Guillaume de Machaut __________. The dates for the Medieval period are generally considered to be: 1150 - 1450 AD. men's voices. Organum: contrary motion and discantus. question. The melodic high point of "In paradisum" is on the word. Types of Musical Texture. . Which term best describes the style of Gregorian chant? Home. 16. However, musical boundaries continually shift and change . Yet ricercars fall into two general types: a predominantly homophonic piece, with occasional runs and passagework, not unlike a toccata; and a sectional work in which each section begins imitatively, usually in a variation form. Which type of musical texture is primarily represented in the following example? C) 3000 BCE-2000BCE. Just like fabric, music has texture. (9th-15th centuries). It means there is a monopsonist (buyer of labour) and a monopoly (single supplier) Examples of Bilateral Monopolies. In practice, it may be difficult to give many sections of "common practice" music one label or the other. all instruments play the same notes together, in unison A plainchant singer might emphasize a particular word when singing by __________. Example: Josquin: Inviolata In this example, the solo soprano sings the main melody while the piano . Nursing 220 Final Exam Review. Auburn University. 6.In music, the term texture refers to the: a.blend of rhythm, meter, and pulse in music. An even more direct fusing of the two styles occurs in Les nations (1726) and in his suites for bass viols (1728), of which the first is a French ordre and the second an Italian sonata da chiesa. Cash and Internal Controls. a) monophonic, allowing performers to project the text with great clarity b) homophonic, causing the text to be lost in the harmony c) heterophonic, making Satan appear even more frightening d) very different from the texture of the Gregorian chant a) monophonic, allowing performers to project the text with great clarity 5. answer. a) one instrument plays a melody over a drone bass b) two or more instruments play independent melodies c) all instruments play the same notes together, in unison d) two instruments play the same melody, but with different embellishments Gabriel. In heterophony, there is only a melody, but different variations of it are sung or played at the same time. True. all musical lines are heard simultaneously, but each has a different melody. A monopsony occurs when a firm has market power in employing factors of production (e.g. 50 terms. In triple meter, the stronger pulse occurs on: The first beat. It can be thick or thin, shiny or dull, rough or smooth. Create. The homophonic texture occurs during the . rachelstark18. Definition. d. takes on a clear meter. Homophony does not necessarily suppress . D) 1920-1945. A combination of three or more tones that constitutes a single block of harmony is called: A chord. c. monophony. the melody is heard in one line and the other parts have clearly less important material that forms an accompaniment. polyphony, in music, the simultaneous combination of two or more tones or melodic lines (the term derives from the Greek word for "many sounds"). Monophonic texture is the simplest and most basic texture. answer. A monopsony means there is one buyer and many sellers. The phrasing within the first section starts out with and goes on until a few beats after the bassoon comes in, in between the music before this happen . Homophonic music refers to music that has one sound or line of melody being played by multiple instruments at the same time. Maqam (Middle East) Generic term for mode, or system of composing melody, in Arabic classical music. Rhythm is "the earliest and most basic of the building materials or elements of music," according to Jean Ferris (p. 11) and is the arrangement of time in music. a. the harsh sound created when two or more notes clash. Its name comes from the Greek words mono, meaning "one", and phonic, meaning "relating to sound". A. a capella (singing in the shower) B. polyphonicC. 11. Monopoly Example #3 -Microsoft. In a town the coal mine is the only . Chant is the musical basis for all of the following except: . 24. slowly rises and falls in pitch. False Letter of best answer: 14) Monophony is defined as A) Music that is not interesting. Monophonic music can also be called monophony. OTHER QUIZLET SETS. Syncopation--metrical stress of a note is displaced so that empasis occurs on normally unstressed beats. Definition. "Anoku Gonda," p. 409 A second stylistic element common in isicathamiya is heard when the music: a. becomes polyphonic. True. o Monophony . Usually, however, polyphony is associated with counterpoint, the combination of distinct melodic lines. Definition. traveled widely throughout northern Europe, working at different courts c.way different tone colors are combined in a piece of music. Monopoly Example #4 - AB InBev. False. d. instrumental derivation. False. Example: Kyrie In this example, there are multiple melodic lines, each set against the other and each having equal importance. Syncopation--metrical stress of a note is displaced so that empasis occurs on normally unstressed beats. In the last line of "In paradisum," the last syllable of the word aeternam. Essay Questions 1. polyphonicC. 7.The three main textures of Western . Heterophony can be heard in Bluegrass, "mountain . NUR170 Exam 2. Heterophony A heterogeneous texture is rare in Western music. Monophony. Monophony occurs when __________. In the early days of the church, the only music allowed during the service was: Vocal Music. In music, monophonic texture is the simplest of the three main types of texture, the other two being homophonic and polyphonic texture. 10/6/21, 9: 06 PM MUS122 Test I Flashcards | Quizlet Page 12 of 15 Monophony One melody line is played by all musicians, with no harmonic accompaniment Koran the Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic. One voice or instrument (monophony literally translates as "one sounding . Fabric is just one of many materials we describe as having a texture. Listening is the process of receiving, interpreting, recalling, evaluating, and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages. Term. Definition of Bilateral Monopoly: A Bilateral Monopoly occurs in an industry where there is only one producer of a good and only one supplier. Define 'counterpoint' the art of combining two or more simultaneous melodic lines. Letter of best answer: 15) Polyphony is defined as A) 2 or more melodic lines that occur at the same time. Monophony occurs when _____. The first note of the scale is called the: . Monopsony in Labour Markets StaceyS98. Term. View mid-term exam studyguide.docx from MUSI 122 at Columbia College. haruka0509. Copy. We also use the word texture in a similar manner when describing the particular combination of tempo, melody, and harmony in a piece of music. Melody, however . In fabric, texture is created by the materials used to weave the fabric. In music, texture refers to the combined layers of sound and the relative function of those layers in a piece of music. a. disjunct: melodic motion in intervals larger than a 2nd, often with a large number of wide skips. homophony, musical texture based primarily on chords, in contrast to polyphony, which results from combinations of relatively independent melodies. What Is Monophonic Texture? A composition might be described as "dense . View Answer. The term referred to instrumental as well as vocal music, so writings of the 8th or 9th century on organum may refer to either. Top 8 Examples of Monopoly in Real Life. But what does that actually mean? It often refers to a monopsony employer - who has market power in hiring workers. 7.The three main textures of Western . The material essence of music lies with its melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics. 7. The contour of it moves up and down, with jumps within the melodic scale. Music chapter 5 In this example, there is a single melody with no accompaniment. Plainchant, often known as Gregorian Chant, was regulated by Pope Gregory I between 800 and 1400 C.E. 304 terms . imitativeB. Study sets, textbooks, questions. a toccata, a canzona, a fantasia, or a ricercar was clearly not a matter of strict taxonomy but a rather arbitrary decision. Monopoly Example #6 - Patents. Handel's Hallelujah Chorus changes textures. Subjects. four voices that occur at the same time. Who wrote Gregorian chants quizlet? It changes though to polyphonic. . MUSIC 1. test_prep. The texture of a single melody played without accompaniment is: o Monophony. Monopoly Example #1 - Railways. Monopoly Example #5 - Google. There is some lingering overlap between the terms homophony and monody. b.relationship between the pull toward or away from the tonic in harmony. stress--a sense of expectation, new beginning of beats or grouping and subdivisions. Which type of musical texture is primarily represented in the following example? conjunct: stepwise melodic motion, moving mostly by step in intervals of a 2nd. Table of contents. In this post we'll fully explore monophonic texture. In homophony, one part, usually the highest, tends to predominate and there is little rhythmic differentiation between the parts, whereas in polyphony, rhythmic distinctiveness reinforces melodic autonomy. It is sometimes called monody, although the term "monody" can also refer to a particular type of solo song (with instrumental accompaniment) that was very popular in the 1600s. The term monody emphasizes the distinct or soloistic role of the main melody, while the term homophony emphasizes the concord and alignment between voices in the texture. question. d.blend of sounds or melodic lines occurring simultaneously in music. Q. Homophony occurs when: answer choices various musical lines are heard one after another with the same melody or similar melodies. cantus firmus What were the names of […] The textures described in this unit may occur for an entire composition, an entire movement, or simply in a specific passage, which might be preceded, followed, or surrounded by passages exhibiting other textures. Thus, even a single interval made up of two simultaneous tones or a chord of three simultaneous tones is rudimentarily polyphonic. d. a rhythm that flows consistently. Arts, 23.12.2021 06:10 isabellainksow87vn. Homophony occurs when: . Anatomy - Bones of Skull. T or F: A single-voiced texture is called monophony. . The word comes . b. contrasting notes that create a harmony that sounds " sweet " and pleasing. slowly rises and falls in pitch. The Range is within an octave. T or F: A single-voiced texture is called monophony. Log in. Related to melody: contour: the shape of the melody as rising or falling. Melody gives music soul, while rhythm blends the expression of harmony and dynamics with the tempo of the passage. 10. Coal Mining Monopsonist facing a Trade Union. In music, texture refers to the combined layers of sound. This is an example of a monophonic texture. Monophony occurs when all instruments play the _____ notes togehter, in unison. T or F: Traditional music of the Middle and Far East is typically polyphonic. . Each voice is an imitation of the other, entering the song with the same melody. Monopoly Examples. 35 terms. Renaissance is the French word for __________. c. is joined by instruments. Many folk songs and traditional songs are monophonic. This is a similar concept to monopoly where there is one seller and many buyers. See Page 1. Examples of Monophony One person whistling a tune A single bugle sounding "Taps" Musical stress and syncopation. cantus firmusD. While some critics dismissed him as a "dedicated servant of Italy," others viewed . We then interpret auditory and visual stimuli in order to make meaning out of them based on our existing schemata. Organum referred originally to methods of accompanying monophonic plainchant, i.e. d.blend of sounds or melodic lines occurring simultaneously in music. As with anything, there is an elemental basis for the composition of music. Chapter 4: Planning Business Messages. The Bach "Little" Fugue in G minor starts out with the clarinet carrying the melody. c.way different tone colors are combined in a piece of music. Monophony When music consists of a single melody without any other strands of activity (no The following discussion of styles and genres by region addresses a number of characteristics of music and how they are produced. Monophony is the term used to describe the texture created by a piece of music consisting just of a melody. Arts, 23.12.2021 06:10 isabellainksow87vn. Definition. b.relationship between the pull toward or away from the tonic in harmony. monophony, then organum, then monophony "Sumer Is Icumen In" is: secular. Musical stress and syncopation. Term. monophony -single voiced (sung or instrumental -one line of music -one focus, single line of melody one long melody heterophony -melody combined with ornamented version of iteself -common in non W culture jazz spirituals, simultaneous elaborations of same melody polyphony -two or more melodic lines of equal importance -based on counterpoint the creation of polyphony, different parts moving at the same time. April 19, 2015, 02:26:55 AM #1; Answer; c . The two most important French composers of organum and discant during the Medieval period were: Léonin and Pérotin. See answer (1) Best Answer. When two or more independent melodic lines are combined, the resulting texture is called: Polyphony. False Which of . Other Quizlet sets. B) Single melodic line only in texture.
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