I had just recently upgraded to react-router-dom 6.3.0, and that's when the problem began. ; To catch the route dynamically, we add :orderId to the route configuration in Orders component. I had just recently upgraded to react-router-dom 6.3.0, and that's when the problem began. npm i react-router-domimport { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom"; import Foo from "./Foo"; import Bar Likewise, as they click between the Sales page top nav (Overview, Subscriptions, Invoices, etc.) Step 3: Change to the src folder and remove the unnecessary stuff using the following command cd src rm * Step 4: Create a css folder in It turned out that match.params does not work. Follow the steps given below to install react-router-dom in your React application: To install the react-router-dom use the following command: npm install --save react-router-dom. Here we will be making a random color generator custom hook (in our custom hook file), here we will make a function for changing color called (generateColor) , and we will be passing color and generate color as return. {BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, useRouteMatch, useParams,} from 'react-router-dom' export default function Blog {// Nested route under react-router 1. params 1.url 2. Any answer here which suggests nesting a html button in a React Router Link component (or vice-versa) will render in a web browser, but it is not semantic, accessible, or valid html: