Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Tirmidhi. Many taking a hard head literal approach to it, boasting salvation for their "sect" and condemning all others to the hellfire - while others dismiss it as a total fabrication . The Christians split-up into seventy-one or seventy-two sects. Each shall be tortured in accordance to its Innovations, and deviation, except for those whom Allah pardons, and forgives. Narrated `Abdullah bin Mas`ud: The Prophet () said, "Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. And my ummah will split into seventy . (The first is) A person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; (the second is) the one whom Allah has given wisdom (the Holy Qur'an) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others." (Fath-al-Bari page 177 Vol. The word istiwa has 15 meanings in arabic. The Ummah will be separated into 73 sects. From these 1 will be the one that has chosen Allah's Deen, and 72 will be those who chose Shaytan's deen and will love the deen that they accepted. However, Ahmadis have done . Some schools of Hadith methodology apply as many as . 1. "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also One meaning is to be above, another meaning is to be on the same level. Ummah will divide into 73 sects - lm al-adth Ummah will divide into 73 sects 4 Oct 2022 afullh Labb ibn Salm Abd al-Malik The Messenger of Allh said: The Jews divided into seventy-one sects, the Christians divided into seventy-two sects, and this Ummah will divide into seventy-three sects; all of them are in the fire except one. Appendix II: Sects in Islam. There is an hadith that there will be 73 sects of Islam and out of 73 sects one sect will be in true path and rest of the 72 sects will be in wrong path. The mainstream sects consider hadith to be essential supplements to, and clarifications of, the Quran, Islam's holy book, as well as for clarifying issues pertaining to Islamic jurisprudence. Hadith Of The 73 Sects In Light Of The Holy Qur'an - Islam for Muslims (3) - Nairaland . Answer 1. Often, it was understood that the 72 sects would be condemned while one would be saved. Salaam Brothers/Sisters, I need some guidance on this hadith: "Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into seventy-two sects, and this ummah will split into seventy-three: seventy-two in Hell and one in Paradise, and that is the jamaa'ah (main body of Muslims)." . I have posted a Hasan (Good) Hadeeth from the Shee`ah books that discusses the 73 sects of Islaam on my blog. the 73 sects was made up to make other people feel like they're wrong. Ahmadis claim to be that "one" and even tote themselves as the "true-muslims". In one of the hadeeths of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) it says something to the effect that the ummah will be divided into 73 sects, all of whom will be in the Fire except one, which follows his Sunnah. According to this hadith, like previous religions, the Islamic Umma after the Prophet (s) will divide into over 70 or 73 sects, only one of which will be saved. Two I used to produce the following list are those of Islamic encyclopedia published by Munshi Mehboob 'Alim [60] and that of abu-Mansur al-Baghdadi [61]. In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. My nation will divide into seventy three-sects .". Access course materials, Test your knowledge & Get certified for FREE at The saved sect is the one that adheres to the Quran and the Sunnah, and which is upon the methodology of the majority of the (Muslim) nation and do not deviate from it until they meet Allah whilst upon this state. . The Prophet said, "My Ummah will divide into seventy-three sects all of which except one will go to the Fire, and they (i.e. Allah says.. La YASTAWEE ashaabun naar wa ashaabul jannah.. More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. SHIA!! Furthermore, the fact that this group (Ahlu Sunnah) do not have monopoly of hadith sources, other group for example, the Shia equally bring forth their own version of the same hadith where the saved sect is being identified as "those who recognize and follow the wilayah (mastership) of the Ahl al-Bayt, and of course in this view, Shia seeded . Believing Allah is on or above the throne etc.. Is kufr. Could you please enlight on this because all sects are claiming that they are in right path. For more information about this format, please see the Archive Torrents collection. Answer Related Praise be to Allah. The first encounter, on this hadith, I had with a non-Ahmadi was when Dr. Nadeem Malik (at that time in Switzerland) quoted this hadith during a debate on the internet and the non-Ahmadi, Nadeem was debating with, jumped and asked for the proof that there were in fact 73 sects. "The Jews split up in to seventy-one sects and the Christians split up into seventy-two sects, and my nation will split up into seventy-three sects all of whom will be in the fire except one.' The Companions asked, 'Which one O Messenger of Allaah?' He replied: 'The Jamaa'aah." The above Hadith regarding the Jews being divided into seventy one groups is recorded by Imams: 1) Tirmidhi (rahimahullah), he has declared this Hadith as authentic and sound. There is the greatest and most obvious difference between Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah (the saved group) and other, misguided groups. 1) Re: hadith relating 73 sects The Jam'ah refers to the largest group of muslims, which is Insha'Allah the ahlus sunnah wal jam'ah (people/adherents of the sunnah and the largest group in this aspect) Originally posted by maxeric004 View Post aslam alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Abu-Mansur al-Baghdadi's list was produced around 10th century AD and he . . Hadith al-Iftiraq and its surrounding issues have been significant for theological issues, studies of Islamic sects, and sectarian controversies. The Holy Prophet sa of Islam did not mention 65 or 48 or any other random number to be in . All of them are damned because the true recognition of the "al-Jamaat" can only be after there are 73 sects in Islam, according to their own point of view. 73 sects of this Ummah Published on 26 February 2018 Question I heard one Hadith that Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said: 'My Ummah will be divided into seventy three sects, seventy two will go in the fire and one will go in Jannah.' How authentic is this Hadith? Please give me the signs of the righteous given in Quran and Sunnah. What is your position of the Hadith of the Seventy-three sects? 2. Maulana Mufti Ishaq rahmatullah ailah was answering in this video. Answer (1 of 10): Allah does that for you! The Holy Prophet (sawa) has taken those 73 sects as those who are deniers, enemies, who came forward and called people towards their Deen. All the current sects in Islam are heavenly (including the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community). 3606) This hadith gives a distinctive meaning of "al-Jama'ah": having an imam (leader). The Christians were split into seventy two sects and seventy one are in the Hellfire and one of them is in Paradise. As opposed to this, we have another version of the hadith which tells us a different story. Among the: (i) Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, told us: ' The Jews split-up into seventy-one or seventy-two sects. A number of lists are seen in the literature [60-62] giving the names of the sects. 4. The well-known Hadith of the 73 sects is often used as a basis for division and hostility between Muslim groups; but when it is understood correctly, it beco. The B. Isra'il divided into 72 sects, but my people will divide into 73 sects, all of which but one will go to hell." On being asked which it was, he replied, "It is the one to which I and my companions belong." Version 2) "My community will divide into seventy-two sects and all but one will enter the Fire.". This hadith is understood by the scholars to be a reference to Muhammad al-Fatih, the great . There are a number of reports in the hadith canons related about the splitting-up of the ummah. 73 Sects Answer to Salafi Brother - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Prophesied 73 sects of Muslims and 72 going to Hell and 1 going to Heaven 06-11-14, 04:34 PM The following hadith from the books of sunnah prophesy that there will be 73 sects of Muslims and 72 of them will be thrown into Hell and only 1 will go to Heaven, and that will be the main body of Muslims. The hadith also occurs in many other versions as well. The people of the fire and the people of the garden (jannah) are NOT ON THE SAME LEVEL. So the seventy-third sect is upon that which the Messenger (salallhu 'alaihi wasallam and his Companions (radiyallhu 'anhum) were upon - it is the sect saved (njiyah) from the Fire. The answer to this question is deduced from the Hadeeth itself that states that the Muslim nation will split up into 73 sects. Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan explained: "My ummah will divide into 73 sects, all of them will be in the Fire except for one, and that is the Jama'ah.". Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) has commanded us with unity upon the truth, as He stated: "And hold fast to the Rope of Allah, altogether and be not divided." [Surah Ali 'Imran, 3:103] He . 36 Tribulations I swear by the One Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy-three sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy-two in Hell." It was said: "O Messenger of Allah, who are they? Answer. The 73 sects hadith appears in numerous hadith books and save a couple of reports, all have a problem of authenticity. this article deals with the influence of the "73 sects adth," which states that muslims will be separated into 73 sects, when jews had 71 and christians had 72 sects, and that only one. Now the four madhhabs differ among themselves, so they included in the hadeeth? The evidence that it is obligatory to offer prayers in congregation in the mosque. The most frequently cited hadith regarding the 73 divisions of the Muslim faith is reported as: the Jews are divided into 71 sects (firqa), the Christians into 72 sects, and my community will divide into 73 sects (Ibn Majah, Abu Daud, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nisa'i). It has two reports on the matter, one from Abu Hurayra (r) and the otherfrom abdullah ibn amr (r). The fatwa was given based on the hadith and not even a single reference was made to quran.It is evident that the fatwa was aimed to prove that Ahl al-Sunnah wa?l-Jamaa?ah is the only saved group.But I see the above hadith immediately divides ummah into 73 factions, one that is saved and the others going to get doomed. As a Muslim who lives in America, I never question anyone's right to be a Muslim. . Answer Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, " The Jews were divided into seventy-one or seventy-two sects, and the Christians were divided as well. If they had among them one who openly- had intercourse with his mother, among my people there will be one who does that. Mutazila (Arabic: al-mutazilah, English: "Those Who Withdraw, or Stand Apart", and who called themselves Ahl al-Adl wa al-Tawd, English: "Party of [Divine] Justice and Oneness [of God]"); is/was an Islamic group that appeared in early Islmic history and were known for their neutrality in the dispute between Al and his opponents after the death of the third . the Saved Sect) are those who are upon what I and My Companions are upon." I am sure this has probably been asked here, but how is it meant to be interpreted? I want to know it desperately to save my faith and my people. He was an active propagator of WAHDAT-E-UMMAT (Unity of Muslim Ummah) and for this cause and spreading the true teaching of Islam; he strived and . Guidance on 73 Sects Hadith. Jan 4, 2021 #2 The main one the one the prophet taught simple Villainess smooth talk on a rainy summer evening Jan 4, 2021 #3 That hadith is fabricated. Now no matter how you try and spin it, these is a contradict plain, pure and simple. Rather, the reference for actions are the Book and the Sunnah, and Allah the most High knows best." ~Musnad Ahmad b. Hanbali vol. Since you asking it on quora, i believe you are educated and able to read and write by yourself. It was said, "O Messenger of Allah, who are the ones in Paradise?" This hadith has two parts: one is the number of sects that are to emerge, and the other the salvation part. Ibn al-Salah's Ulum al-hadith is considered the standard classical reference on hadith studies. (salam) (bismillah) On 3/22/2006 at 10:17 AM, Son of Fatima said: The jews had 71, the christian had 72, and from the 73 of the muslims, only one can enter paradise. For this reason, it is referred to as the Saved Sect (Firqatun-Njiyah) and they are called Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jam'ah. (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2640) 2) Ibn Hibban (rahimahullah) (Sahih ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 6247) The above shows that there is no question regarding the . The great Islamic casuist Maulana Mufti Ishaq (rahimullah) was an expert in all jurisprudence of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat and had thorough understanding of Fiqa Jafria as well. The Ummah meant in this Hadith is Ummah Al-Ijabah (the Ummah which has accepted the Prophet's Call to Islam) and it will divide into seventy-three sects: seventy-two of them are deviant sects that introduced Bid'ahs (innovations into the religion) that do not put them beyond the pale of Islam. There are a group of hadith narrations, not found in al-Bukhr and Muslim, but found in various other collections, in which the Prophet Muhammad mentions that the Muslims will divide into 73 groups, 72 of which will enter the Hellfire, meaning that only one among these 73 groups will be saved. It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah () said: The Children of Israel split into seventy-one sects, and my nation will split into seventy-two, all of which will be in Hell apart from one, which is the main congregation. 73 Sects In Islam The Ummah will split up into seventy-three sects Model Behavior of the Prophet (Kitab Al-Sunnah) ((Dawud :: Book 40 : Hadith 4579 Narrated AbuHurayrah )). Question / Help. They will stay away from those who oppose their deen. The hadith also occurs in many other versions as well. Hence must be top priorty for you. This is Takfir, this is dangerous behavior. The only people on the rightous path will be who follow Quran and hadith of prophet. There is much confusion about the hadith regarding 73 sects, and how restrictive the conditions of entering Paradise is. Version 1) "My community will divine into seventy three sects all but one the zindiqs will enter the Garden". ONE of the enduring topics of Muslim sectarian polemics has been the hadith attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) according to which he had predicted that his ummah would be divided into 73. Since this concerns your religion. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidh 2640. In a Nutshell: The narrations about 73 sects are generally authentic however the authenticity of the wording "where only one sect would enter paradise" is widely disputed, some scholars even arguing it is fabricated. What is meant by the term "Ummah" in this Hadith is the Ummah of response which shall be divided into 73 sects; 72 of which are deviant who practice innovated religious practices that do not constitute apostasy. Answer. . The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one of which will be in Hell and one in Paradise. R. 17 p. 174-175 . Contents 1 In Books of Hadith "Then keep away from all those different sects, even if you had to bite [i.e. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Jews were split up into seventy-one or seventy-two sects; and the Christians were . (Ummah's) obligation of love, kindness and care (to them), not in adherence to their words and opinions. Sunan Ibn Majah 3993, Book 36, Hadith 68 Fortunately, I remembered the mention of this being published in a . Lord Jan 4, 2021 #4 The prophet did not say He was suni or shia. Hence the saved group is described as Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, and they are the greater majority and the vast multitude. Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu. i wanted to ask if any of u hav heard or read dis hadith. 1. eat] the root of a tree, till you meet Allah while you are still in that state." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Virtues and Merits of the Prophet sa, Hadith no. hadith of beloved Prophet Muhammad, the Ummah will be divided into 73 sects and one will go to paradise, how to confirm that what one is following is among the ones who will go to paradise. [Souncloud Audio Link] Transcribed Audio: His saying, "And you should know that Allaah's Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, "My nation will divide into 73 sects, all of them in the Fire except one and it is al-Jamaa`ah; the united body upon the truth," Allaah, the Majestic and Most High, commanded us to unite; to become ijtimaa` upon the truth. Posted December 16, 2010. This hadith states that there will be 73 divisions of Muslims, and all of them will go hell except one. By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy three sects and one of them is in Paradise and seventy two are in the Hellfire. A: This Hadith is a warning against sectarianism. As for the other groups, they are followers of weird ideas, division, innovation . Thank you so much. As an example, Let us study how it is reported in al-Tirmadhi-one of the six sahih books.