ANY WAR can be avoided; but man likes war. Our entire world was shaped by it, even if we do not always make the connections, Neiberg says. I think the wars were inevitable. The Unwarranted War: The avoidable war that will penalize severely Ukraine, Russia, the US and the NATO, Europe, developing economies and the global economy. That article is confirming this but also saying the reasons for this situation is different to what people believe. They show a very simplistic and shallow understanding of what was happening in 1914. book called e Avoidable War. Very few events in life are inevitable. Criteria to Meet: 1. Even though you didn't add the text-- the answer to your question is yes. Had the United States and its European allies not succumbed to hubris, wishful thinking, If it's the latter, I think you might be on solid ground in saying that some kind of conflict was inevitable, but there's a lot of different forms that it could have taken. Wars Are Not Unavoidable: Chapter 4 Of War Is A Lie By David Swanson. Gives and explains 3 main causes Question 2: Do you feel that the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for World War Two in Europe? A war that could have been avoided is only a justifiable war if actually desirable, if actually preferable to peace. Yes, WW1 could have been avoidable. As the historian John Coogan has The war touched everything around the globe. This guy is Adolf Hitler; probably one of the most known historical figures of all time. World War I Who was apart of the Triple Alliance? If you read just a bit about the war it is quite obvious that so many countries were involved in power, money and the new world order that it could not have been prevented. Americas decision to join the Allies was a turning point in world history. Use information from the text to support your answer. Start a WAR, pay the PRICE. The topic gained increased prominence as a military strategy during the Cold War with regard to the use of nuclear weapons and is related to but distinct from the concept of mutual assured destruction, which In 1914, U.S. trade with Germany totaled 170 million dollars; by 1917 it had dropped to about one million, a 99.9% decline. Since Germany was so hell-bent on taking over other countries, war would likely result. I really dislike railjack and archwing missions. Churchill repeatedly asserted that the Second World War could have been easily avoided through firm and resolute action. Experts believe covid rules are causing avoidable deaths. AlpinLuke. World War II destroyed Germany and Japan as great powers. However, have you realized that the World War II was the culmination of the inter-war period. A: It seemed to be the lessons of the wars of the late 19th century that very large armies were required to win, and for this you had to mobilize a good part of the eligible population, so there were elaborate reserve systems in each country. I think the answer is very much Yes, it was avoidable. The war had extremely high casualties over 15 million dead and 20 million injured. . Though circumstances, ideologies and public opinion may seem to be heading toward an inevitable destination, the truth is that even one person if in the right place at the right time can steer a nation's course away from disaster. In which John Green teaches you about World War II, aka The Great Patriotic War, aka The Big One. To determine if World War I could have been avoided, I will explain the causes of the war. War is avoidable. So, yes, I think accident played a very large part in the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The series of alliances that lead to the war are the cause(s). If anybody had refused to honor their commitments, oddly enough and despite the hatr Do you think World War I was avoidable? Of course what was still avoidable in 1939 might not be the same as what was avoidable in 1919 a topic that, like hundreds of related topics, is covered in Leaving World War II Behind. I think it was but one has to go back quite a few years to see how. The Napoleonic wars of invasion gave other countries a reason to distrust Franc The result is a corrective to traditional arguments, both of Churchills critics and defenders. Well, Franz Ferdinand could not have been assasinated, but here are some ways:If the European powers treated Germany betterIf Ferdinand did not set the parade on June 28 when going to Belgrade (it was a special date for the Serbs so it was and insult. If the Central Powers did not attack Serbia. Basically if they succeded diplomaticly with Russia The loss of this territory badly stung the French and was a motivating factor in 1914. The day after the attack, Congress declared war on Imperial Japan with only a single dissenting vote. I believe any fight is avoidable, if the possible participants are willing to compromise. This year, as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War, it is worth recalling those who warned of its coming catastrophe, that war is negativity, violence and death of innocent people every time. During the 1970s, the economy in the United States became stagnant. Churchill repeatedly asserted that the Second World War could have been easily avoided through firm and resolute action. Chapter 1. You would have to go back pretty far to avoid World War I. If we think things are inevitable, then we just throw our hands up and dont do anything. I never suggested to have them removed. Defend your answer. The question of whether World War II was avoidable or inevitable has been debated for decades. On this day in 1914, Great Britain reluctantly declared war on Germany. Wars are given so many glorious and righteous justifications, including the spreading of civilization and democracy around the world, that you wouldnt think it would be necessary to also claim that each war was unavoidable. Answer I don't think it could have been avoided. 2. Yes, World War Two could have been prevented if the League of Nations had gone to further measures to ensure that Germany could pick itself after having just losing a war. Germany could have been put under an Allied army occupation until they were steady enough to be able to care for themselves without having to look for some "hero" to save them. Unlike in World War II when Hitler had long-range planes and a larger navy, there was no threat of Germany invading the United States, he says. Yes, the war was fairly surprising to most on the continent. The war only became a world war instead of a regional war due to a complex alliance sy No, I strongly believe that the Cold War could not have been avoided because Russia and America were natural enemies of the Soviet Union. . Question: Question 1: What were the three (3) main causes of The Great War (World War One) and do you think that the war could have been avoided? Many of our friends in Europe also thought, until a month ago, that another major war on the European continent was The five most important causes, therefore, were: Treaty of Versailles solved nothing It is often claimed that the Treaty of Versailles was a failure. However, a key part of the war was the battle on the Atlantic. The Civil War could NOT have been avoided. The avoidable war we speak of today for so many of us remains unthinkable, and that is any future war between China and the United States. In his 1651 book Leviathan, English thinker Thomas Hobbes argued that humans are warlike by nature. (Just to make it avoidable) Firstly, the prominent nationalism of the great powers encouraged nationalism in other ethnic and cultural groups. Stopping the assasination of Ferdinand simply delays it. Looking back in though history, nearly every war recorded has a beginning caused by corruption and lack of information. Another reason that the war of 1812 is a second revolutionary war is because of what happened in the war. From the explanation, you should be able to develop an answer to Was World War 2 avoidable. There is little doubt he feels any remorse for sterilizing Ukrainian cities and manufacturing to a point unseen since World War II and the brutality of both Nazi German and USSR attacks on either nation during that era. Ukraines New Heavy Artillery Will Cause Russia a World of Pain ( and you think war was easily avoidable? The human cost of the First World War was horrendous. On November 11, 1918, at exactly 11 a.m. Paris time, bells rang and celebrations broke out all over the globe. Eventually some incident was going to lead to a general war. In one moment, the world stopped and began again. It wouldnt have dug a bigger hole in the pocket of americans. Serbian nationalists carried out the attack that launched the war. The war that the Vietnamese called The American War fits your definition as a war waged by proxy (as was often the case during the Cold War) by a number of nations (a few of them rich like the USA and Australia) in which high-tech weaponry was in use against, in the early stages at least, armed guerrillas fighting on their own soil. It could have been that the war lasted a shorter amount of time or involved less people. "ALL is FAIR in Love and WAR". We wouldnt have spent all of the extra money on troops and wouldnt have had as many deaths. The Extent to Which World War I was Avoidable World War I was one of the worst wars in the history of the world. The Biden White House these days is essentially an ivory tower of Ivy League-educated pundits, offering the world rambling commentary in hopes of inspiring the rest of the world to action. As Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said yesterday: "weakness is provocative." More than 16 million people, both military and civilian, died in the war. #8. No, a war between the US and China is by no means inevitable. While they was some maneuvering around to try to have it on the most advantageous terms, I dont see how war could have been avoided entirely. 33,798. In 1919, the year after the war was over in France, there were 15 women for every man between the ages of 18 and 30. World War 1 was a massacre of human life and an important event that determined the present state of the modern world. International Conflict Resolution After the Cold War critically examines evidence on the effectiveness of a dozen approaches to managing or resolving conflict in the world to develop insights for conflict resolution practitioners. World War I Absolutely. The Serbian government through their head of military intelligence known as Apis funded and supplied the weapons used by Gavrilo Prin Yes it could have been avoided if Germany had given France back the 17% of Alsace Lorraine that was French speaking and then made the rest a Grand Wiki User. A hundred years later, we're still dealing with the consequences. The United States and Russia were just too different countries with two completely different leaders who never managed to see eye to eye which may have been the biggest reason the war was unavoidable. No because countries were always going to want more. In other words, war is not intrinsic to humankind. In the resulting Treaty of Frankfurt which ended the war, France was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. Many would argue that it was he alone who caused the outbreak of war in 1939, but other preceding causes, and even our own actions led us to another global conflict (only 20 years after the end of World War I). Deterrence theory refers to scholarship and practice on how threats or limited force by one party can convince another party to refrain from initiating some course of action. But if there was peace keeping force or litrate people.Explanation:Peace keeping force is a group or mass of people who helps stop war all Of course the US Civil War could have been avoided. The terms on which World War I ended set the stage for World War II, which began just 20 years later, by negatively impacting the belligerent countries politically, economically and socially. The Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Hitler, the rise of Japan as a world power, the rise of fascism in Italy and the League of Nations were all factors which contributed to the cause of World War II. And you can be against the war, and against imperialism and so naturally be against arming Ukraine to keep the Prussia does not win the Franco-Prussian War, and Germany is not unified. Archduke Ferdinands driver does not take a wrong turn onto a street where an assassin is eating a sandwich. Kaiser Wilhelm does not give A Rasputins reputation is one of a mystical lunatic who broughtTsar Nicholas II and the Romanov dynasty to their downfall. WARS ARE NOT UNAVOIDABLE. After WW2, the world saw USSR and USA as two powerhouses. Italy, Lago Maggiore. The great tragedy is this entire affair was avoidable. When looking at these horrifying results of a horrifying war, it is easy to call into question why this would be repeated. I dont think the First World War was inevitable. World War II was inevitable for a multitude of reasons. The foremost reason was the existence of three respective, powerful aggressor states (Germany, Italy, and Japan) with imperial and ideological ambitions that would not hesitate to use force to achieve their goals. The movie is set in Aisne, France, in 1918, where infantry Company C of the British Army arrives to take its turn in the front-line trenches of northern France, led by the war-weary Capt. Do you HONESTLY think the JAPANESE would NOT have used the Bomb if THEY had it? Answer:Yes it was avoidable. Considering that Communism had the declared purpose to build an organic world wide system no, I think it was impossible to avoid the Cold War. Watch CNN streaming channels featuring Anderson Cooper, classic Larry King interviews, and feature shows covering travel, culture and global news. 4. I would think notEurope at that time was a crucible of tensions: Explanation: WWI came from various directions (among others): 1) Super-Powers growing (economically, politically, techno Do you think the Cavite Mutiny could have been avoided if reports were more truthful and factual? The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, ended the debate over American intervention in both the Pacific and European theaters of World War II. Yes, World War 1 was inevitable. was world war 1 avoidable well in theory yes as are all wars. I think the question should actually read are humans able to avoid war and my answer Three main points why the Cold war couldnt be avoided are: there was tension in knowing which country was more technologically advanced, the conflicting the political philosophies were (Democracy v. Communism) and USSR fearing nuclear warfare. Although measures were set in place to avoid a second world war, many things caused it to be inevitable. Switzerland You must be thinking Why Switzerland, they havent been in 2 world wars, doesnt that mean it is imminent? While yes, they have never He was right that Hitler could have been stopped. Its time to retire the myth that World War I was a meaningless, avoidable tragedy while World War II was a just and necessary crusade. what do you believe caused the first world war? So I thought we would start with a game plan where Jane and I would ask a couple of questions to Kevin to get started, then have a conversation, and at some point well go to the audience for questions. When looking at this war after many years and analyzing all the conflicts that lead to it it can be concluded that the war could have been avoided. But you do remain paying about twice as much as other first world countries and you do have the worst outcomes. Now you can argue if Warframe should have a variation in the places where you can go or just the same type of mission everywhere discarding Open worlds altogether. However, avoidance would have come with a price of its own. It meant the armies that fought in World War I were much larger. The terrible irony is that U.S. entry into World War I probably made that next and far bloodier global conflict more likely. In fact, it resulted in more than 9 million deaths on the battlefields of Europe (Cashman and Robinson 2). PUTINS troops are outnumbered by Ukraine who can muster up to ONE MILLION men as Russias disastrous invasion passed its 100th day. The list goes on, and applies far beyond the crisis in Ukraine, but the trend is clear. I cannot imagine a kind of agreement of partition of the planet. The First World War was a tragic and unnecessary conflict.. In other word, it is because the new imperialism countries at that time, like German, didnt get the benefit they wanted, such as the colonies. See answer (1) Best Answer. The period immediately following the conclusion of World War One was like a pot slowly boiling. After doing some research I found that most people said, Yes, the Great Depression could have been avoided, if only the government could have looked into the future a bit and seen what was coming. what you think not what really happened Despite the relative success of American involvement in World War II, some people have speculated that the United States could have prevented the attack on Pearl Harbor and the war with the Japanese that ensued. Historians have suggested many reasons why World War II broke out in 1939. Yes, because the only counties that should have been involved were Austria-Hungary and Serbia,but because of all the Alliances the other countries blew the war out of per portion The Russian dictators troops in Many believed they had a right to some form of revenge. The ideal of a free and powerful homeland set people with different views of where borders should be at each others throats. Some feel that the war would have been avoidable had the victorious forces treated Germany differently at the end of World War I. The changes resulting from the First World War. The South could have agreed that slavery should be contained where it existed; 2. Millions of people were killed, mighty empires fell, and the globe was remade during World War I. Europe was divided into two camps, each of which had reasons to look for a war. It was the result of a hundred little pressures all building up until eventually it just exploded. Gives and explains 3 main causes Question 2: Do you feel that the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for World War Two in Europe? So begins the first chapter of the late historian John Keegans The First World War. Was it avoidable after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand had taken place? Experts are waiting 24/7 to provide step-by-step solutions in as fast as 30 minutes!*. Do you think the war was necessary or should it have been avoided? An entire generation of young men was wiped away. The britsish came and completely burned Washington D. C. down to the ground. Depends on what you mean exactly. The primary reason of World War I is the inequality between the capitalism countries and imperialism countries on politics and economy. This is actually where our star spangled banner came from. Defend your answer. The Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I in 1919, was an instrument of vengeance against the Central Powers, and dissatisfaction over its terms left the defeated Vladimir Putin will never surrender and is 100% committed to achieve his goals. IT could have been avoided. I belive that the war could have been avoided because after pear harbor we didnt have to go jump in it would have been easier to just cont the loses and move on. Forum Staff. Indeed, that claim stands at the beginning of his war memoirs, appearing in the preface to the first volume of The Second World War: One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war "We need to lead with our diplomacy and our diplomacy The UK and France were left a shadow of their former selves. In its malignant forms, it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their Under President Woodrow Wilson, the United States remained neutral until 1917 and then entered the war on the side of the Allied powers (the United Kingdom, France, and Russia). Use info from the text to support your answer 13.2 5) What were the characteristics of trench warfare? He was wrong in not doing all he could to stop him. I think it is always possible to avoid war, and we should always think in that way. Which personally i think is one of the best reasons to say that it was the second revolutionary war. Excerpts from the Paper. Could World War II have been avoided? Indeed, that claim stands at the beginning of his war memoirs, appearing in the preface to the first volume of The Second World War: One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war We had many chances to avoid the Civil War, which is not to exclude the possibility of a (likely smaller and shorter) war restricted to the Deep South, either at By looking back, and hindsight is 20-20 here are 3 of many reasons why. That event did not need to be the start. It all started with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austr That's what they want you to think. Perhaps it is only idealism or naivete on my part, but I do think the war was avoidable. 1. It altered the fortunes of the war and the course of the 20th century Germany would have always wanted more land and that is why they took part of France's land. Criteria to Meet: 1. The War to End All Wars . World War I was the deadliest conflict until that point in human history, claiming tens of millions of casualties on all sides. The United States is keeping Russia in its sights, after the Pentagon's announcement that units are being put on "higher alert," but "that's not where this avoidable war gets solved," Blaine Holt, a retired Air Force brigadier general and deputy military representative to NATO, said on Newsmax on Tuesday. I think you can be an anti-imperialist and not have a strong preference for neither USA nor Russia controlling Ukraine. The foundation of the causes of World War 1 can be traced back to several factors that were building up international tension to the ultimate result of war. Could the Peloponilesan wars have been avoided? Despite these results, in many ways, another war did seem inevitable. If the reports were true and factual, I think the Cavite Mutiny still could not be avoided due to the fact that the 200 men contingent had killed 11 Spanish Officers already which I think will still result to war and revolution. Oct 2011. Trade with the Allies in 1914 was about 825 million dollars; in 1917, it had risen to about three trillion, a 300% increase. Worlds Without War. Like x 2; Agree x 2; Winner x 1; May 6, 2022 #7475. Absolutely. The history of Europe in the hundred years prior to WWI involved a lot of instability and conflict, and several regional wars. But the Which personally i think is one of the best reasons to say that it was the second revolutionary war. Im going to start at the top with the title, e Avoidable War, and the book that youre writing. World War I saw a change in warfare, from the hand-to-hand style of older wars to the inclusion of weapons that used technology and removed the individual from close combat. who lost 27 million lives in the Second World War, ensuring the Allied victory against Hitler. They point to a study published last year by a team affiliated with Chinas Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. There is no divine plan; decisions of war and peace are up to us and only us, and we own the results. My personal opinion is that a war was pretty much inevitable. The Vietnam War might have been avoided, if communism had not been involved. So I technically yes, the Great depression could have been avoided, firstly overproduction. I am shocked at the number of answers here that start with Absolutely. This is actually where our star spangled banner came from. This is true for many reasons. Defend your answers. 2015-07-17 17:40:00. Word War II was not inevitable. Here is what I think. At the beginning of the decade, the U.S. was still recovering from the Vietnam War, the inflation rate was high, and unemployment was also at an all-time high.