Study sets, textbooks, questions. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus and the fianc of Haemon, who was the son of Creon. Antigone is decisive, moody, brave and impulsive, while Ismene is beautiful, timid and beautiful. Creon gave strict orders not to bury Polynices because he lead a rebellion, which turned to rout, in Thebes against Creon, their omnipotent king. Antigone 2. For the first time in her life, Antigone is going to be able to be herself." pg. She believes that the laws of the gods are more important than Creon's law, and she decides to violate his edict and give her . In the play of Antigone, Antigone was very courageous. . Sophocles characterizes Antigone as an arrogant, yet brave young woman who believes in herself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory. Antigone's motives to bury her brother despite the king's edict. Teiresias: To err is common to all men, but the man who having erred Hugs not his errors, but repents and seeks The cure, is not a wastrel nor unwise. October 2017 "Antigone" Written by Sophocles,"Antigone", Prologue, and Scene 1, is a classic Greek tragedy that talks about how Antigone goes to bury Polyneices, but her uncle, Creon, who inherited the throne, stated that Polyneices is to not be buried; "Polyneices, I say, is to have no burial: no man is to touch him or say the least prayer for him; he shall lie on the plain . No, Antigone does not use a shovel to bury her brother in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. In the play Antigone; Antigone chooses to deny the king's edict, and to go forth with burying her brother, her possible consequence could be death itself. She is worried about Antigone, as well . Every person deserves a respectful burial. She is willing to alienate herself and work alone, to ensure that she buries her brother with honor. New York: Glencoe, 2002. Antigone Teiresias Quotes. In justifying her actions as pleasing the dead and the gods of the underworld, Antigone shows where her ultimate values lie and foreshadows the fact that she will die for this act. Summary of the Greek Classic: Antigone; Important Quotes from Antigone with Analysis; Antigone Study Help: Character Analysis When Creon locks her away in prison, she kills herself. Creon is the king/ruler of Thebes he is the one who causes the mess that happens later in the play. The plot follows Antigone's quest to bury her dead brother Polyneices, much to the dismay of King Creon. Click to see full answer. Under the king's rule, disobeying him would consider the person a traitor, even if it was Antigone doing the wrong deed of . Antigone admits to burying her brother's corpse and she won't deny it. Dec 11, 2013 - Here are our quotes to prove civil disobedience throughout the play. Anouilh is interested in the idea of choice, which plays a vital role in the work. According to her traditions it wasn't a crime. Creon's words are a stern and harsh retort to her plea for mercy for both herself and her dead brother. Antigone was right to defy King Creon because she had the right to bury her brother and her brother deserved a respectful burial so they could honor their family. Creon orders Antigone buried alive in a tomb. "I have no love for a friend who loves in words alone." - Sophocles, 'Antigone'. "I dared. This post is part of the series: Antigone Study Guide. 41 of the best book quotes from Antigone. "A State for one man is no State at all.". Antigone fits the role of the tragic hero because Creon lacks the qualities of a heroic. Imagery In Antigone. She's trying to manipulate her. It was not God's proclamation." Scene 2, Antigone. Antigone replied saying she had "heard of it," yet she continued to bury her brother, breaking the law. But I can't act against the state. The first quote is her standing up to Creon and saying shes the one that buried her brother. when haemon found out he killed him self, when haemons mom found out (creon's wife) she killed herself too. However, Eurydice, mother of Antigone, has forbidden this action and Antigone has obeyed her mother. The way of Antigone's death is based on Greek religious beliefs. It begins a day after the defeat of the Seven against Thebes, soon after Creon, the new ruler of the city, has announced that Eteocles, who has died defending the city, shall be buried with honors, but his brother . "You're my sister. Additionally, does Antigone bury her brother? Perhaps Antigone is so stubborn in her decision to bury her brother because . Creon is pleased, and delivers a lecture on a son's obedience to his father and the importance of not losing one's head over a bad woman. At the time period of the play, society's norm for women was the maintain order in the family, give life to newborns and take care of the family members. Antigone to IsmeneAntigone wants Ismene's help with burying Polyneices. After the bloody siege of Thebes by Polynices and his allies, the city stands unconquered. Explained: When Antigone tries to bury her brother, this argument was used by Ismene to stop her. We cannot fight with men". 1. Subjects. Antigone has been caught. CREON: These views of yoursso different from the rest--don't they bring you any sense of shame? That's not in my nature. Some actions are justifiable, while others are not. In Sophocles' play Antigone, Antigone is punished for burying her dead brother's body by being buried alive. The only crime is pride. Create. In this speech, she employs rhetorical devices like pathos, foreshadowing and extended metaphor. Answer and Explanation: Antigone was right to bury her brother Polyneices because she was listening to the decree of the immortal divine law, instead of the decree of the. Additionally, does Antigone bury her brother? ANTIGONE: Will you help these hands take up Polyneices' corpse and bury it? She makes it clear to him that she lives by the law of the gods not the edicts of a ruler. However, Antigone challenges these social orders due to her social value of life: burying her brother, Polynices, and giving him a proper burial. ).Specifically, Thebans are guaranteed by the gods of below ground burials. "You are always defying the world, but you're only a girl, after all." - Ismene, 'Part 2, Antigone'. That's his great joy." (Antigone 506-507) Antigone to Creon said this quote after Antigone was caught for trying to bury her brother Polynices. Although Creon has a change of heart and tries to release . Antigone is a tragedy by Sophocles written in 441 B.C. Get help on Antigone Work Quotes on Graduateway Huge assortment of FREE essays & assignments The best writers! 614 Words3 Pages. Antigone is the sister of a recently deceased traitor who has been sentenced to no burial by Creon, who acts as the king and also Antigone's uncle. When Ismene refuses to join her sister, pleading their weakness as women and subjects of Creon, Antigone leaves her angrily, determined to bury her brother, even if it means her own death. Antigone Quotes. Antigone defies the law, buries her brother, and is caught. Speaker: Antigone Situation: Creon confronted Antigone about burying her brother. In her oxymoron "holy crime," Antigone reveals the conflict between divine and human lawher crime, even though it is unlawful, is holy. The only crime is pride.". Thesis Statement / Essay Topic #3: Antigone and Sisterhood. For the first time in her life, Antigone is going to be able to be herself." pg. Antigone Quotes. Antigone speaks to her sister, Ismene, early in Antigone. One of Sophocles' earliest surviving plays, Antigone is often thought of a perfect specimen of Ancient Greek tragedy. "And you can prove what you are: a true sister, or a traitor to your family.". Antigone believed that Creon's law was unjust, and she had the moral right to defy it. . Since she loves both of her brothers, Antigone decides to bury Polyneices in spite of Creon's order and tries to enlist her sister, Ismene, in the task. . . Ismene represents the typical . Since she loves both of her brothers, Antigone decides to bury Polyneices in spite of Creon's order and tries to enlist her sister, Ismene, in the task. (36) Antigone committed the crime of burying her brother Polyneices. Antigone has been caught. Antigone has never been able to make decisions for herself. This theme is important as it is the main conflict throughout the book. . She's trying to manipulate her. And he is your brother, too. One of the main characters of course are Antigone and plays a important part to the play. However, her character is flawed and she is arrogantly unwilling to back off her quest. She has unquestionable determination, courage, love, devotion, and bravery. Ismene refuses to break Creon's . Antigone invites Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polyneices, though the king has forbidden burial on of. "All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. Speaker: Antigone Situation: Creon confronted Antigone about burying her brother. "The play is on. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Go down below and love, if love you mustlove the dead! Textbook solutions. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating this section. "But if you're gone, what is there in life for me to love?" (Sophocles 626-627). Context: Antigone is third in the famous trilogy by Sophocles dealing with the legend of Oedipus, King of Thebes, who unwittingly . See more ideas about antigone, civil disobedience, this is us quotes. "Say I am mad and give my madness rein To wreck itself; the worst that can befall Is but to die an honorable death.". Every person deserves a respectful burial. 36 Related Question Answers Found Why did Antigone kill herself? The two are set up as classic "good girl" and "bad girl . The king, Creon, decreed that if the body was buried, the culprit would be . But according to her uncle, Theban King Creon, the deed was forbidden and punishable by death. She is engaged to Creon's son, and soon set to be married to him. These lines relate back to the theme of civil obedience because there is a law against burying Polyneicies (Antigone and Ismene's brother), but Antigone still feels that it is her responsibility to give him a proper funeral. Creon asks Haemon if he comes in anger or obedience. You are always defying the world, but you're only a girl, after all. She would rather be with the dead brother she loves. Antigone pleads with Creon, telling him that his order goes against the gods, but it falls . But I can't act against the state. antigone to ismene about potentially burying brother "you have your excuses. Polynices and his brother Eteocles, however, are both dead, killed by each other, according to the curse of Oedipus, their father. Rebel against an unjust test by using this Antigone Study Guide. "More hateful still the miscreant who seeks When caught, to make a virtue of a crime.". Antigone Quotes. Antigone's main concern is to perform the burial rites and bury her brother Polyneices. Furthermore, why is Antigone right for burying her brother? 580 HAEMON: By yourself you'd make an excellent king but in a . Antigone defies the law, buries her brother, and is caught. Sophocles. She confessed that it was her and is explaining why she disobeyed Creon.Significance: This quote represents the theme of divine law vs human law. 24 Apr. ISMENE: I'm not disrespecting them. The Oedipus Plays. The quote is very important to the overall story of Antigone because it revolves around the theme of family verse family and also the theme of right verse wrong. Join her in burying their brother Polyneices antigone quotes and analysis though wise, should never ashamed. Antigone tells Ismene to go away if she will not go along and help with burying her brother. Anouilh is interested in the idea of choice, which plays a vital role in the work. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. "She wailed out loud that sharp sound of bitterness a bird makes when she looks in her nest and it's empty, it's a widow's bed in the baby chicks are gone" (Sophocles 515-518) Sophocles uses a metaphor and imagery to compare Antigone to a bird as well as to emphasize Antigone's devotion to her brother. Sister Ismene own test, for the very first law reveals his faulty character Antigone represent opposing in. Here, Creon addresses Antigone, responding to her claim that she was born to join in love, not in hate. This quote shows that Antigone is doing good . . This shows the scene where Antigone is burying her dead brother, Polyneices. Creon creates a law that bans anyone from burying Polyneices, as his army invaded Creon's city of Thebes. "We are only women. - 405 B.C.E. Analysis His son, Haemon, tries to sway his father, but it is no use. Antigone is enraged and heartbroken by Creon's treatment of Polynices. Start studying antigone quotes. The quote is very important to the overall story of Antigone because it revolves around the theme of family verse family and also the theme of right verse wrong. Antigone tells Ismene of her plans to bury their brother Polynices in defiance of Creon's orders. The rivalry between Ismene and Antigone is strong, because both girls are similar in age with very contrasting personalities. While I'm alive, no woman is going to lord it over me. as the third of the three Theban plays. 2. 38. 3. Antigone to IsmeneAntigone wants Ismene's help with burying Polyneices. . She confessed that it was her and is explaining why she disobeyed Creon.Significance: This quote represents the theme of divine law vs human law. In Antigone's case, the situation is burying her brother's body, but this act of justice paves the way for more conflict. Ismene represents the typical . Creon sentences Antigone to death after her arrest. Sister Ismene own test, for the very first law reveals his faulty character Antigone represent opposing in. Antigone. Antigone has never been able to make decisions for herself. CREON: These views of yoursso different from the rest--don't they bring you any sense of shame? Antigone refuses to deny Polyneices and prove false to him (50). 729-68. Antigone did not care if her sister was going to help, but proclaimed to her, "I won't insist,/ no, even if you should have a change of heart,/ I'd never welcome you in the labor, not with me" (Antigone ll 81-83). 38. Even though it was forbidden, Antigone decided to defy the state's law and give her brother a burial.Antigone was right to defy King Creon because she had the right to bury her brother and her brother deserved a respectful burial so they could honor their family. That's his great joy." (Antigone 506-507) Antigone to Creon said this quote after Antigone was caught for trying to bury her brother Polynices. I am on my way, I will raise a mound for him, for my dear brother" She trusted herself to stand up to her uncle. Ismene refuses to break Creon's . Antigone. show more content Creon talks to his son about his obstinate bride. 6. Below ground burials . Antigone is a tragic play made by Sophocles in 441 BCE. then creon was left by himself with his city of thebes with his people. Antigone plots the burial of her brother in a conversation with her sister, Ismene. I will bury him myself. Antigone is saying that if it was a God that ordered her not to bury him, than she wouldn't have done it. The tragic hero, Antigone, is the tragic hero because she displays both good and bad throughout the greek tragedy Antigone. That's not in my nature. "I do. She believes she will be vindicated by the gods, for the crime is "pure." "Welcome, light of the Sun, the fairest/ Sun that ever has dawned upon/ Thebes, the city of seven gates!" (lines 100 . As for her sex, Antigone says at one point, "Haven't I spent my . Haemon son of Creon is also a rule that makes Creon realize his mistake. ISMENE: I'm not disrespecting them. Quotes. Ismene uses this argument"you're only a girl"more than once to stop Antigone from burying her brother. Ismene to AntigoneShe doesn't want to help Antigone. Antigone's character is described as a civil disobedience, and the tragic hero of the play. Sophocles' tragedy, Antigone, is a play that is still widely known today. He leaves her to die in a tomb; however, she commits suicide. Perhaps Antigone is so stubborn in her decision to bury her brother because . Ismene wants to die with Antigone because she is her sister. after antigone was caught of burying her brothers she was sent to die in a cave and she hung herself. Antigone understands that to follow divine law, she must break human law. Ismene to AntigoneShe doesn't want to help Antigone. Antigone is saying that if it was a God that ordered her not to bury him, than she wouldn't have done it. Antigone has a moral vision to bury her brother and fulfill the divine law. Teiresias: all men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. Therefore, Creon has him arrested for treason and hanged without trial . Ismene, Antigone's sister, wanted no part of burying her brother because she was afraid of the consequences. The protagonist, Antigone, defies the law of man, placed by King Creon, by burying her brother Polynices who was decreed a traitor. 1. 4. Antigone tells Ismene she is not afraid to die for the so-called crime of burying her brother. Let me respect the dead and die with you." (Sophocles 622-623). Antigone: He is my brother. For Antigone that's the point; as a girlnot yet a womanshe still burns with youthful idealism. Under the king's rule, disobeying him would consider the person a traitor, even if it was Antigone doing the wrong deed of . Outside the city gates, Antigone tells Ismene that Creon has ordered that Eteocles, who died defending the city . In line 100, Antigone tells Ismene that she should "proclaim it . Here Creon seems particularly rigid and heartless. Antigone responds to Kreon's telling her that burying her brother is against the law. He tells Creon to let Antigone go. Antigone did the right thing by defileing Creon's strict orders on burying Polynices because the unalterable laws of the gods and our morals are higher than the blasphemous laws of man. Analysis. The quote is very important to the overall story of Antigone because it revolves around the theme of family verse family and also the theme of right verse wrong. Even though it was forbidden, Antigone decided to defy the state's law and give her brother a burial. Word Count: 589. She takes up a noble cause when she goes against . Ismene has just told Antigone that she must refuse Antigone's request to help bury their brother because . Antigone is a tragic hero due to her courageous acts and flaws. Antigone's motives to bury her brother despite the king's edict. Haemon says he will obey Creon. "And you can prove what you are: a true sister, or a traitor to your family.". Antigone makes the moral choice to disobey the law and bury her brother, following the law of the gods. 580 HAEMON: By yourself you'd make an excellent king but in a . In the play Antigone; Antigone chooses to deny the king's edict, and to go forth with burying her brother, her possible consequence could be death itself. One theme showed by Antigone is loyalty because she wanted to bury her brother and that's being loyal to her family. We cannot fight with men". That's his great joy." (Antigone 506-507) Antigone to Creon said this quote after Antigone was caught for trying to bury her brother Polynices. Don't dishonour me. A quote that reveals she is good is " This death of mine is of no importance; but If I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered" ( 2. "The play is on. Antigone invites Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polyneices, though the king has forbidden burial on of. But the king, aghast by her violation of law, decides to get her executed. i'll do my duty to my brother . Antigone's belief in family values ultimately sentenced her to death. She believes that he will make good on his word to execute anyone who buries Polyneices, and she is afraid of getting caught and being put to death. When Creon, the king, realizes that Antigone has ignored his wishes and buried Polyneices, he is furious. Antigone is brave and does not fear being killed because of performing the burial rites on her brother Polyneices (80). Creon asked Antigone if she was "aware of the proclamation" or law that he had set in place about the burial of her brother. She continuously tries to sway Ismene to help her and is adamant that she will bury her brother, no matter the consequence. Antigone gives an emotional speech in which she laments the loss of her youth and her future of marriage and motherhood. "We are only women. When Creon locks her away in prison, she kills herself. I will lie with the one I love and loved by himan outrage sacred to the gods! "Antigone." Glencoe Literature, Course 5. In her oxymoron "holy crime," Antigone reveals the conflict between divine and human lawher crime, even though it is unlawful, is holy. Yes, Antigone is right about burying Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. Join her in burying their brother Polyneices antigone quotes and analysis though wise, should never ashamed. Antigone understands that to follow divine law, she must break human law. Update this section "Go then if you must, but remember, no matter how foolish your deeds, those who love you will love you still.". Home. Antigone disobeys this law, as it is against the Gods' rules to leave the dead left out. - 405 B.C.E. ANTIGONE: Will you help these hands take up Polyneices' corpse and bury it? 69-71). She is more of a rule-follower than Antigone is, though Antigone is only breaking the law out of love for her brother. In justifying her actions as pleasing the dead and the gods of the underworld, Antigone shows where her ultimate values lie and foreshadows the fact that she will die for this act. Ismene is too intimidated by Creon. Update this section! ).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone uses just her hands to bury her brother Polyneices. quotes 1. antigone:"yes. Antigone. "I have been wondering, King, can it be that the gods have done this." After Tiresias leaves, the Choragos wonder if the gods were right and that Polyneices should of had a proper burial, but Creon is furious and is still sticking with that the law he . Creon has ordered that the body of Antigone's brother, Polynices, be buried since he was a traitor to Thebes.