Something that is really good. Fair go a chance (give a bloke a fair go) Fair suck of the sav! Derogatory word for Irish people. Face, off ones drunk (He was off his face by 9 pm) Fair dinkum true, genuine. I think the latter is probably more common. Good On Ya Good work. "Is this for real or are you takin' the mickey?" Others believe its related to the sound of a drunken hiccup. breakaway gulch. Urban Dictionary: Mick. Goon the best invention ever produced by mankind. via Mystery Bag. Pop around come over, calling someone to go around or move to a place. Mickey, also Mike, short for Michael, appear in Mickey Bliss, also Mike Bliss (or simply Mickey, also Mike), rhyming slang for the noun piss, urine, act of urination (see note ). Words & expressions used in rural Australia, along side American words & expressions with similar meanings, that are now used by some Australians. Ta thank you, deep expression of gratefulness. Your new car is Mickey Mouse mate! Mongrel. King Gee = A successful clothing brand in Australia; the phrase King Gee was a slang expression referring to the reigning monarch of the time, King George V, hence King G (King Gee) was slang for the tops or the greatest. That mongrel stole my beer! Mozzies. knackers = Testicles. Howdy Hello, a warm greeting to welcome a person. But if you slip a mickey in your pocket we can step outside for a little nip. Also see: flat out, preso. Mickey Mouse - "Grouse" (A Term used mostly in Melbourne for 'Great'), Monkey's fist - "pissed", G day Hello or good morning, warm greetings. Slang word for a sausage. knackered = Very tired. Use this Aussie slang in your day-to-day conversations and Aussie might think youre one of their own. Under the pump: Totally flat out with work. Bog in : commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm. Meaning: (Noun) This slang is unique to Australia, and you will only hear it there. Bog in : commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm. I was the captain *mick* of a ship *mick* for 3 years!! bushfire brushfire. mickey, authorities on British and Australian slang agree that this is a euphemism for an older term which has itself re-entered public discourse in more recent yearstaking the piss. Greetings Australian Slang. Muso. "Crikey, those pork buns looked good at Yum Cha, but I'm up to pussy's bow." Mickey is Australian slang for the female genitals In cryptography, Mutual Irregular Clocking KEYstream generator (MICKEY) is a stream cipher algorithm developed by Steve Babbage and Maccas. Example: We thought DreamWorld would be great, but it was pretty Mickey Mouse. (Australia, informal) A well-known honeyeater, the Noisy Miner, Manorina melanocephala, of eastern Australia. Mal Meninga - "finger". Up to pussy's bow: full up, eaten as much as you could possibly eat. Bodgy : of inferior quality. bathers swimsuit. Nappy in the nuddy naked. McSorley, McNeil, McFlannagan, ect. The origin of the word is disputed. thongs flip-flops. The fast-food giant left its mark in Australia as well, and people there have several slang words they use for it. Someone that plays music or an instrument. smoko cigarette break. What does the slang expression Mickey mean? loaf of bread - "head". Also, Mick is the word that "spick" came from. Takin' the mickey: making fun. brumby mustang, bronco see more horse-related words in other languages. Meat Pie - "try", a score in Rugby football; Merri Creek - "Greek" (Merri Creek is a creek in Melbourne). Derived from knackers, a slang term for castanets. Bogan : person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer. Cheers thanks, a magic word to express gratitude. Bog standard : basic, unadorned, without accessories (a bog standard car, telephone etc.) coldie beer. Les Kiss - "piss", from former 1980s Australian rugby league international Les Kiss. Including brickie (bricklayer), sparky (electrician), truckie (truck driver), chippie (carpenter), and garbo (garbage collector); Mickey Mouse: Excellent, perfect; However, in some parts of Aussie, it means irrelevant, stupid or not very good; Aussie salute: Someone is Australia is known for its slang, so lets see all the different ways they refer to McDonalds. [from the 1910s] (rural Australia, informal) A young bull, especially one that is unbranded and running wild. "Mate I'd love to help with your deck meeting but I'm under the pump preparing for my preso". Bogged : A way to describe someone that has done something wrong. exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief (see also sav) Fairy floss candy floss, cotton candy. Cuppa cup of tea. Mick. Aussie salute Some beliefs are that "mick" comes from the common "Mc" in many Irish names. Definition: A small bottle of liquor (375 ml or a half pint) For example: Theres not going to be liquor at the wedding. Goon is a cheap, boxed wine that will inevitably become an integral part of your Australian backpacking experience. Chrissie Christmas. Going off busy, lots of people / angry person hes going off. [from the 1870s] (Cockney rhyming slang) piss, shortened and more commonly used form of Mickey Bliss. Yes it can mean both excellent (rhyming slang for grouse ), or inconsequential, inadequate, not very good. It is simply a shortened version of McDonalds. This apparently gave rise to the phrase to take the mickey, or the mike, out of someone, a euphemism for the explicit form to take the piss out of someonewhich is attested later, perhaps precisely Bog standard : basic, unadorned, without accessories (a bog standard car, telephone etc.) Slang term for mosquitoes. brolly umbrella. Mickey Mouse. Bogan : person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer.